
Since 2013, I’ve had a podcast entitled We’re All Gonna Die! (And Other Fun Facts).  This podcast, is an hour long (-ish) interview with folks who have a creative project or product.  We’ve had poets, musicians, and artists talk about their work.  I shoot for an in-depth conversation, which ends in “The Bottom 5”, a set of surrealistic and or philosophical questions not related to the main topic.  It can be found at gonnadiepodcast.com. It can also be found on iTunesGoogle Play Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn, and Mixcloud.

Starting in the summer of 2020, Nell and Matt’s Obsolete Movies has begun.  We’ve been together over twenty years, and have been accumulating VHS tapes since before then.  Our podcast is a half-hour-ish discussion of a film that we view on either VHS, LaserDisc, or CED Selectavision.  Ultimately, we decide if it’s camp, retro, a classic, or just an old film.  It can be found at nellandmattsmovies.com, and will soon be able to be found on most podcast platforms.